How to Make Your Portland Property Energy Efficient

Energy efficiencies in rentals are important. Not only to the reduction in energy costs, but also in attracting quality tenants. Tenants appreciate efficiencies and a well maintained home to rent. This is very evident in the Portland and Salem Oregon areas we service. Here are a few good ideas and places to get you started…

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Oregon Rent Control Senate Bill 608 On to Full Vote

Despite Landlord Group Protests Bill 608 Moves Forward Landlords gave testimony in protest of the unprecedented Statewide Rent Control Bill 608. Many are concerned that the legislation will limit new rental housing starts and discourage real estate investment in Oregon. Hog Tying Landlords? “How in the world do people think punishing landlords and placing a…

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This 365-Day Mortgage Rate Forecast Will Impact Leverage and Cash Flow

This 365-Day Mortgage Rate Forecast Will Impact Leverage and Cash Flow Do your plans include buying an investment property this year? It may not make sense to wait! Mortgage interest rates and investment property prices are both projected to increase significantly throughout 2019 in the Oregon and Portland Metro Market. This will effect Leverage and…

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7 Steps To A Quality Tenant In Oregon

This week we cover 7 steps to a quality tenant in Oregon. We include a brief outline of some of the basic thing you can do to start out in the right direction. The Wrong Decision Can Cost You $$ Thousands! It is extremely important you follow all Federal and State laws as well as…

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