Learn how our referral program works. We make it easy to send us business.
Why Refer Clients to Us?
Explore the benefits
Keep Working with Your Clients
Sending us a referral is a great way to increase your future sale potential; we'll refer them back to you if we hear they're selling their real estate investment.
We'll Create a Written Contract
Our goal is always to help our referral partners to feel secure. If you would like, we'll give you a signed referral agreement for protection. We'll keep our side of the agreement & ask the same for you.
We'll Pay You!
For every new management agreement we'll pay you:
- $500 if the property is vacant
- $200 if the property has a tenant
- $150 for placement only
Eliminate Financial Liability
Improperly advising your clients on issues like tenant laws could open you up to unnecessary liability. You could even put your license at risk; keep yourself protected and leave leasing to us.
We Make You Look Good
We believe that professionalism is important and we work tirelessly to ensure your clients are happy. This will reflect positively on you and your recommendation to work with us.
Some sample numbers
Refer a Client to Blue Roof Property Management